Muzica bizantină - câteva considerații istorice

The Byzantine music is a kind of dialogue with God, a form of theology through musical sounds, a beautification of divine worship, and an effective way of praying, according to the dictum: “the singer prays twice” (Martin Luther). Being rooted in the synagogue tradition of psalmodie, the church music has been adapted to the new dogmas of Christianity, changing over the centuries into what is known today in the Orthodox Church. For the early period of Christianity, the hymnography contributed to the spread of the new teaching and became a new way of dialogue with the divinity. Gradually these hymns began to be sung, while new forms of poetry, such as the hymn, the condac and the canon, the expression of the divine public worship being also made by means of already established music during the flowering period of the Byzantine Empire. Its continued development and embellishment made it difficult for the performers, which required its simplicity and uniformity that followed in 1814.